1693 N. Quentin St. Aurora, CO 80045

Life in Recovery

The Issue with Commitment

The Issue with Commitment

How many times have you heard someone say they were “afraid of commitment?” This phrase is so common because it is a normal part of the human experience. Explore the dilemma around commitment and its adversary, ambivalence. These patterns are important to address in relationships and recovery. Get the full story here.
Attaching to CeDAR

Attaching to CeDAR

Attachment helps someone feel safe and understood. It creates an experience of grounding, feeling that one can push through pain and hardship while not feeling alone. This article describes how many people are able to recover through positive attachment, and how that attachment can be to a community or organization. Take a minute and read this one.
What is Love?

What is Love?

For someone who feels a lack of attention or love, they sometimes reach out to find love in the wrong places.  Another way of saying this is that they want someone to pay attention to them. This feels good and fills an emptiness inside.  Why do people in recovery often find this in the wrong places?
Structured vs. Open Support

Structured vs. Open Support

Once someone starts to engage in the process of change, they might want to reach out for additional resources.  Some of the most appropriate agents of change can be peer support sponsors or therapists.  This article is useful if you are searching for a sponsor or therapist and are trying to make a good fit.
I Have Mild Depression … Should I Take Meds?

I Have Mild Depression … Should I Take Meds?

What makes Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) a clinical condition is the presence of dysfunction. This article reviews some of the data analysis for patients experiencing mild symptoms of depression and whether or not they should consider antidepressant medication. Find out more.